Before completing your application it is important that you verify your eligibility by carefully reviewing the "Tenant Selection and Wait List Procedures" that accompanies each application we mail. A copy can be printed or downloaded by clicking here.
We welcome inquiries and applications year-round. An application may be requested by mail or by calling MASH at 973.543.2666, or one can be printed or downloaded by clicking here.
When your application is received, and it is determined that you meet the selection criteria, your name will be placed on our wait list in chronological order, according to our receipt of your application, and be classified according to federally prescribed Income Limits.
This list, in and of itself, does not establish priority. When an apartment becomes available, the eligible applicant(s) will be selected from the wait list, on a first-listed, first-offered basis, for the lowest income category first, and the 1st floor or 2nd floor needs of the applicant(s), according to guidelines from the federal government.
You must be prepared to accept an apartment within one week of notification after it is offered. This usually includes a visit to the available apartment and a review of your eligibility for housing as well as a background check of credit history and criminal activity. Tenants generally move in within the next 30 days.
Click here for lists of other income-restricted senior housing options in Morris County and throughout New Jersey.
MASH wait list policy and procedures are in compliance with USDA Rural Development guidelines and shall be applied equally without regard to sex, color, creed, national origin, marital status or disability.
Rev: 2023-03